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浏览:1689 时间:2017-11-21 13:22:23 来源:美国环保协会


原创 2017-11-10 EDF 美国环保协会

2017年11月8日,美国总统特朗普开始了就任总统以来的第一次访华之旅。与特朗普同行的还有一支由29位美国企业家组成的贸易代表团,其中有11人来自能源环保企业; 在中美两国元首见证下签署的合作协议中, 也包括一系列能源和环保内容。


      特朗普访华前夕,美国环保协会北京代表处首席代表张建宇接受了中国日报的采访,就中美两国的环境保护合作进行了回顾和展望 (中国日报报道见后)。采访之外,张建宇分享了他的一些真切感受。

为最早代表国际环保组织在中国开展环保合作的那批人,我目睹了过去20年中美两国在环保领域合作的历程,亲历了很多历史性的事件, 感受到了在合作中双方角色的变化。

       1999年,时任总理朱镕基访美,中美两国环保局/署签署了第一个环境保护合作备忘录, 开创了自1979年科技合作协定签署后的真正务实的环保合作。这个备忘录共包括十个子项目,其中第一个子项目就是美国环保协会参与的二氧化硫排污权交易项目, 我也是由此结束了在美国的留学生涯, 作为美国环保协会中国项目主任, 回国参与到中美环保合作当中。

        在随后的岁月里, 在借鉴美国环保经验的基础上,中国先后开展了排污交易、按日计罚、绿色供应链和排污许可证等机制的政策实践,推动了中国环境保护的进程。


        我经历和参与了其中很多的具体工作, 对于中国环保部门的虚心好学, 和美国同行的诚心分享, 感受至深。我至今还记得美国环保署守法和执法局的Cherl Wasserman老太太, 把在同在环保署电教室工作的老公动员起来, 为中国同行录制关于美国执法十大特点的远程教学录像的情景。

       共同关注气候变化问题是中美开始”新型大国关系”的重要体现, 习主席和奥巴马总统的三个有关气候变化的联合声明, 奠定了《巴黎协定》的产生,开拓了国际气候变化领域的新局面。双方的谈判过程紧张激烈,精彩纷呈, 虽各有立场, 但都为着一个共同的目标禅精竭虑,共同努力。两国元首在最后一刻的亲自参与, 推动美国确定了其减排目标,也坚定了中国启动全球最大碳市场的决心, 幸甚至哉!

        随着中国社会经济的发展和美国国内的政治变化, 双方的合作进入了新的历史阶段并开始呈现出新的特点。一方面,双方政府层面的交流依然继续。今年9月底刚刚在华盛顿结束的中美社会和人文对话中,环境问题依然占据显著位置。5月,国家环保部代表团前往美国国家环境执法调查中心(NEIC))考察,为成立中国国家级环境执法支持机构进行调研。除此之外,两国在省、州层面的合作亦展现出一片欣欣向荣的景象。


       与此同时,中国企业也已经开始积极地走向国际舞台, 发出中国的环保声音。2017年5月10日,来自30个大型跨国企业的首席执行官在《华尔街日报》和《纽约时报》上共同发声,呼吁美国留在《巴黎协定》。来自中国的企业——远大集团CEO张跃也加入了其中。

       作为中美两国环境交流的见证者和参与者, 我切身感受到了中美环保互动的变化和其中所映衬出的双方政治经济关系的跌宕起伏。我希望环保合作永远能够成为双边关系中的纽带和结合点, 因为毕竟我们只有一个地球!


Expert: China, US now equals in pollution fight

By Zheng Jinran


NGO's China chief celebrates four decades of cooperation

The head of the China branch of an influential environmental advocacy group has hailed 37 years of cooperation between the United States and China. From the early days in which it followed the US' example, China has grown into an equal partner, according to Zhang Jianyu, chief representative of the China office of the Environmental Defense Fund.

"The two countries, both with large populations and territories, have shared experiences in economic growth and pollution issues, making exchanges necessary," he said, adding that he expects these mutually beneficial exchanges to deepen.

In 1980, the top environmental agencies in Beijing and Washington signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation. It was China's first international agreement on environmental protection. Just over a decade later, the US invited the New York-based Environmental Defense Fund to participate in China's first experiment with economic incentives for pollution control, one of the China-US cooperative projects

The organization, which is known for its market-based approach, opened its Beijing office in 1998. Zhang said it has since helped the country adopt a variety of incentives developed and implemented in the US.

One such measure has been to follow the US example of daily fines with no upper limit, which was incorporated into China's Environmental Protection Law in 2015. Wang Canfa, a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, said making businesses pay a heavy price for harming the environment has become a major tool to deter polluters.

During the administration of Barack Obama, the US and China became the leading negotiators in global efforts to tackle climate change. Zhang said it is clear the two countries now share equal footing on environmental protection.

"China has taken more positive measures in addressing climate change," Zhang said. He pointed out that during the second China-US Climate-Smart Low-Carbon Cities Summit in June last year, 12 Chinese cities pledged to cap their carbon emissions earlier than the national deadline of 2030.

In the future, Zhang said the US might even learn from China, such as the wide use of smartphones for information release and collection, which has made air quality data freely available.

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